Welcome to The Un-Niched Life !!

A personal/lifestyle blog that is not niched, for life is not niched. It's only human to try to categorize it, define it, etc.,. so to that end I want to share my thoughts, ideas and opinions on a wide range of topics as well as various recipes, and even photos I take and possibly quotes I like.  

Nearly Over

I am thankful that the week is over, and hopeful that winter is on it's way out of here until November. The trees have had their rest, and many of nature's creatures have to. I'm ready for warmer weather and the furnace not being on, although I've been thankful for that too. It is snowing and blowing however I've seen brief moments of sunshine. 

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I decided to create "The Un-Niched Life" because many years ago there was a saying I had adopted about an experience I was having that others had to witness. The saying, "If it helped one person."  And while I am not ready to delve into that experience, or other ones since then, I wanted to create a space where I could write about some of the many topics I know about, or am learning about, or have opinions. I want to share about some of my life experiences.

As stated above I know a little about a lot and sometimes I know more than I even realize. A lot of my knowledge has come from trial and error or success on my part. Some has come from books, videos, hands on learning and more. And I'd like to share some of that with others and perhaps when ready to share more, I can inspire and encourage others. And that's my real hope for this blog and my sharing what I do. I don't want it to read like a journal, however some days it just might because I want to share day to day life things, or month to month, or even year to year.

Another reason why I named it "The Un-Niched Life" is because

I don't want this to just be a personal journaling blog. I want to share a of lifestyle too. Whether it's about food and recipes, nature photos, projects, plans or even about health and wellness related topics (possibly), and perhaps other things as well.

  I didn't want to choose a niche because as much as sometimes tried life is not niched. I am who I am; and want what I want. I have a whole lot share and want to share. I though a blog would be the best place to do so. A couple steps up from "just one person", hopefully! So, grab your drink sit back and enjoy a blog post when you get the chance, and feel free to leave a comment or post after doing so. 


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